POT LSR OR MS/MX417/517/617 za 8500 str.
2 na zalihi (isporuka do 48 sati od potvrde narudžbe)
POT LSR OR MS/MX417/517/617 za 8500 str.
148,08 KM
2 na zalihi (isporuka do 48 sati od potvrde narudžbe)
POT LSR OR MS/MX417/517/617 za 8500 str.
Štampač za naljepnice Brother QL700YJ1
Label Printer● DK tape and DK label up to 62 mm width● 150 mm/s print speed● 300 dpi resolution● Durable Auto Cutter● LED● USB Port. 1DK11201 (100 lables)● 1DK22205 (8m)● USB and mains cable